Daniel Duke, age 64 of Forsyth went to be with his Lord and Savior on February 27, 2025.
All Glory and Honor and Praise be given to our Father in Heaven for Daniel’s deliverance! Hallelujah!
Daniel Duke’s greatest desire was to see the day “that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Amen
His most fervent prayer was that the light of Christ Jesus would cast out the darkness everywhere in this world, that those blinded by the darkness would have their eyes opened to the Truth, be set free from their captivity and bondage to sin, come into a right relationship with The Lord Jesus, and worship Him in Spirit and Truth which Almighty God so well deserves. The Lord Jesus gave all for all—He Is The Greatest Gift Ever Given. He made all things, and made all things possible.
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
The Lord Jesus is Daniel’s closest brother, precious Savior, and best friend. Anyone Daniel came in contact with who was willing to listen would hear his testimony of all The Lord had brought him through in this life. His heart was to encourage people to seek The Lord and serve Him. Next to The Lord Jesus, Daniel Duke is the strongest man I have ever known, and the greatest man of God I have ever met. Daniel endured great pain and suffering and rejection in the entirety of his days in this life—a servant is not greater than his Master, and despite all he endured, it didn’t stop him from faithfully praying for and forgiving his enemies. Daniel considered all those in Christ Jesus to be his family.
The Lord Jesus introduced me to Daniel in 2010, and He married us in 2011. My Father in Heaven knows my heart best. Daniel Duke was my Mr. Perfect, with the most beautiful heart—everything I had ever hoped for. “And the two shall become one”. Our relationship and our bond could best be described as that of twins. I will be forever and deeply grateful to The Lord Jesus to have given me to Daniel in marriage. For those who are in Christ Jesus, please know this—you lose nothing and no one in this life, this life is a test. There are no goodbyes, it’s just “I’ll see you later”.
My Dearest Daniel, Love&joy,
Not having you with me now is the most painful test The Lord Jesus has ever given me. I miss hearing your voice more than anything. My comfort is knowing that you are with The Lord and finally set free from all the excruciating physical pain you have courageously endured for so many years. I miss you too much for words, you worked so hard to gave me so much—honesty, faithfulness, loyalty, and happiness. I pray The Lord Jesus continue to be with me and give me strength to finish serving Him in these days I now live without you. I love you so, so much, tons and millions of tons with all my heart. We will be forever together with The Lord Jesus just like you said, and just like The Lord promised.
Your Sugar angel,
Lisa Marie Duke
Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
Garth Lee says
2nd Corinthians
Chapter 4
Verse 18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what us unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal
Julie Kaufman says
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about Daniel.
He was an important part of our southeastern Montana community, and he will be sorely missed by many.
Elaine Egeland says
Lisa, I’m so sorry to hear about Daniel’s passing. He was a very nice person and a great plumber.
Lynda Martin says
Danny my dear brother I wish we were closer than we were. Please know you were loved by all of your family
You will be missed.
Love Lynda
Colleen Hoppert says
Lisa I am so sorry Daniel had to leave so soon. He is definitely much happier with Jesus and out of all pain. He was an excellent plumber. I never questioned any repairs he did for us on the motels. I will keep you in my prayers, peace, comfort,and joy in the future. In Jesus’s name M
Tina Mauer says
Our deepest condolences with the passing of Daniel. He’s thought of often with the excellent plumbing he did throughout our whole house. May he rest in the peace of God’s hands.
Tracee Raymond-Waples says
Oh Lisa, I am so very, very sorry to see this! This totally breaks my heart for you. I know what you’re going through as I went thru that very same thing just a couple of years back. If there is anything that I can do please don’t hesitate to contact me. Daniel will be dearly missed. Your all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you lady!
Ross Duke says
Dear Dad
I’ve tried writing this more than once and just couldn’t come up with the words.
I love you so much.
You were a great man. A Man’s Man. You taught me how to be a good man and for that I love you more than you’ll ever know. I wouldn’t be who I am am today without you.
I still remember when I was a kid you helped me set up a tent on my trampoline so we could pretend it was an alien space ship.
I remember you teaching me how to ride and bridle a horse.
I remember you teaching me how to play golf.
I remember you teaching me anything and every thing I wanted to learn. Because that was the kind of man you were.
As I write this I have no words. I cannot believe you are gone. I know death is apart of life but right about now I just wished that wasnt so.
You were my Dad but you were also my hero. I watched you help people. I watched you sing along to Jonny Cash songs and boy did you kill it.
This hurts to me to my core pops. You really were a true cowboy.
And I know where cowboys go to rest.
I know you’re already looking down smiling.
I love you so much Dad. I’ll always love you. I really just wished I could hug you one more time. 😔
Rest In peace Dad. I know I’ll get to see you again.
Until then, .
Trav says
I pray and hope you will be ok. Daniel was A very strong man he had an energy about him. Sometimes it was “ grumpy energy” Because of this, there were people that didn’t like him. I’ll just say those people didn’t know him. This man took a chance on me and gave me a job. He taught me a lot there were times where he was so passionate about situations he would go 1,000,000 miles out of his way to bring help to those who truly needed it. He gave me knowledge where I was ignorant. He fed me. He bought me tools when I needed it. I did not know Danial as well as other people, and he did not know me. We had a short friendship.. he was truly a good friend and a Great Man. he loved his wife beyond anything I’ve ever seen. She’s a very beautiful person and very kind and I know why they needed each other. They created safety for each other. I’m extremely worried about her. this tragedy is horrible. I don’t pray a lot, but for him and her I will. I hope that in the shadow of this terrible event something truly great will happen. I don’t have a lot of friends by choice. but he was one of them. I will miss him. to his family and friends. I’m sad I didn’t get a chance to meet all of you. My heartfelt condolences go out to you right now I feel that the world is a little bit colder. Please remember him he was great. He knew what he was doing, and he went out of his way and gave everything he had. I am lucky to have known him…….
Sarah Ingels says
Lisa I am so happy that you got the chance to know and love Daniel and be loved so much by him! I can only imagine how hard losing such a wonderful caring and considerate man is. I only knew Daniel for a short time. In that time however he showed just how thoughtful and understanding we should all be. I am glad he is no longer in pain and is with our Heavenly Father!!! He is missed by many and I pray that this time for Lisa is nothing but kind and understanding as Daniel would’ve wanted for her.
Deb Bartholomew and Family says
I am so very sorry your loss of Daniel. You both came to my rescue regarding my water heater issue before you going on vacation last summer. He was the kindest man, most knowledge and proud of his work. He made my issue a priority. I truly appreciated all you both did for me on such notice. He will truly be missed by all who knew him. Always remember “When A Loved One Becomes A Memory That Memory Becomes A Treasure”. He will always be a Treasure in your heart and not forgotten. Treasure all your memories as they will help you thru difficult days ahead. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Jake Haraldson says
To the family. I didn’t know Daniel that well but he was recommended to me for plumbing problems and replacing a water heater. The short time that I got to know him, he helped me out during some difficult times, not just with plumbing issues but spiritually. I’m sure as many of you know, he loved the lord Jesus Christ and gave me many scriptures to help me out, all while he was here fixing my plumbing problems. It changed my perspective on life and I will get to take those words with me and think about them for my life. He helped me change into a better man. Lisa was also very kind to me, when Daniel came over, he pretty much brought me a Thanksgiving meal, that Lisa prepared. Such kind and loving people, with hearts of gold. Thanks again for everything! Enjoy your knew life with the lord Daniel. You will be missed by many!
Tracee Raymond Waples says
Lisa and family,
I’m so very sorry for your loss! This is heart breaking new. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to all.