Chad Cyrus
November 21, 1971 – August 18, 2011

Chad Hunter Cyrus was born November 21, 1971 and died in a fatal airplane crash on August 18, 2011. Chad was the son of James Michael Cyrus, formerly of Arlee, MT (now living in Panama) and Sunnie (Roxie) Shea, formerly of Ravalli, MT (now living in Portland, Oregon). Chad was the Founder/Principal of Big Sky Wildlife Consultants, an avid lifelong Falconer and a Licensed Commercial Pilot with over 3300 hours of flight time. Chad grew up on a ranch in the Valley Creek Area near Arlee, MT. As a child, Chad can be remembered riding his beloved pony and playing with his dogs. In his early teens, Chad discovered his lifelong passion of Falconry and capturing, handling and training birds of prey. In 1990, Chad graduated from Arlee High School, where he was a star athlete in football, basketball and track. After a brief time at the University of Montana in Missoula, Chad moved to Dillon and attended Western Montana College, graduating in December 1998 with a degree in Secondary Education and a minor in Wildlife Biology. While in both high school and college, Chad pursued his passion of Falconry and mastered the art-form of exquisite, hand crafted falcon hoods, which he later developed into a successful business called Cyrus Hoods. After college, Chad began his teaching career and moved to Alaska. He spent six years teaching, hunting and fishing in Kenai and Kotzebue. While living in Alaska, Chad learned to fly airplanes and become a highly-skilled licensed pilot. In 2003, Chad returned to Montana to teach at the Pine Hills Correctional Facility in Miles City. Soon the birds of prey and his love of wildlife began to take precedence in Chad´s life. When he returned to Miles City, Chad was inspired to turn his passion into a career and founded Big Sky Wildlife Consultants where he continued his work and study of birds of prey. He ventured to Greenland and Northern Alaska to capture and band wild falcons for the National Peregrine Fund. Chad also served as President of the Montana Falconer´s Association and was a recognized authority on birds of prey, sage-grouse and sharp-tail grouse as well as many other wildlife species. His experience, skills and expertise garnered him many state and federal contracts. In his final moments, Chad was doing what he greatly loved. He was flying and surveying prairie dog towns north of Forsyth for Montana FW&P with his business partner and close friend, Randy Schwartz. Chad had many dear and valued friends that played a vital role in his life. He enjoyed numerous adventures hunting, fishing, flying and falconry with his beloved friends and family. Chad was an incredible man who lived an extraordinary life. He had a tremendous sense of adventure and lived his life to the fullest. His energy, knowledge and zest for life will be missed by everyone he touched in his short 40 years. Chad is survived by his parents, his loving family and his beloved English Setters, Puppa and Rita. A memorial service will be held for Chad on Friday, August 26th at his home in Miles City, MT beginning at 4pm. Memorial donations can be sent to the family in honor of Chad and may be sent to: Chad Cyrus Family, P.O. Box 1553, Miles City, MT 59301. The family is planning a project as a memorial tribute to Chad´s passions. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting:
Gary Ostermiller says
Our thoughts & prayers go out to Chads family & friends. He can rest in peace knowing that Rando thought the world of him, & considered him a great friend.
Chuck Haga says
Dearest Cyrus Family,
I did not know Chad but I did know Randy. My heart and prayers go out to you and his friends. God has other plans that we sometimes cannot foresee. Godspeed to your family. May Chad and Randy celebrate the afterlife, dance in the shadows of GOD and await our arrival.
God Bless
Chuck Haga
USN 87-96
Kevin Sullivan says
Dear Cyrus family, I am a friend of Randy’s. I only had the pleasure of meeting Chad once, back in early July while I was visiting with Randy and his family we had coffee and lunch together, but I recall saying to myself at the time that I wished I were in a better position to get to know him. I believe I would have liked him alot.
I am so very sorry for your loss, but I know just from that one meeting that Chad loved flying, as did Randy, and the both of them were doing what they loved to do.
Sincerest sympathies, Kevin
McComb Family says
Though our acquaintance was brief we truly enjoyed Chad. Always smiling and always kind, he will be missed.
Michele Sanders says
I did not know Chad personally, but knowing the friends Randy had, Chad was a great person. Many heartfelt sympathies and prayers go to you in this time of sorrow.
Allison Campbell says
My prayers and thoughts are with you. Chad was a great guy and would always help me out with the Raptors. Even if it was really late a night.I am really going to miss him. I am going to miss his great sense of humor. I remember the first time I met him and he asked me the same question three times. Finally he grinned and told me he knew the answer the whole time. If you need any help with anything in Miles City let me know I owe him for all the times he helped me out
Carrie Beach says
Dear Cyrus Family,
I worked with Chad at Pine Hills and continued to enjoy his friendship after he left. We were also his neighbor. He was a wonderful guy with an amazing sense of humor. I will miss seeing him on the road, talking to him and listening to his perspective. He will be missed deeply by this community.
Terri Newby says
Dearest Cyrus family, I did not know Chad, but just the Monday before the accident Randy told me what good friends they were. He said they had so much fun together because Chad was just as big a geek as he was, and he totally “got” him. They shared a love of flight, of technology, and of the outdoors. He was obviously a great guy!
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your family will continue to be in my prayers.
Shawnee Good says
Chad was one of the first people I met when we moved to Ravalli. I will always have memories of us playing basketball and pool. Chad was a great person and will be sorely missed. RIP Chad! Love ya…
Brenda Messner says
My heart hurts for your loss. I had not seen or spoken with Chad in many years. He lived a life that most can only dream of as he followed his dreams and truly lived. Whenever, I see a falcon or hawk, I’ll be reminded that he is soaring and watching over those that were fortunate enough to have known him in his short time here. He will not be forgotten.
Heidi Loomis says
Dear Cyrus Family, I knew Chad for about 18 months. He was an amazing man, great friend, and an awesome pilot! I flew with him and I have some pictures of our trip if you’d like them. Very few of us get to live and breath our dreams, Chad was an exception. Chad, you now have your own set of wings and can fly with the angels….I will miss you deeply and I will always remember what an amazing man you were and how incredibly lucky I was to have known you! Thank you for the 18 months I was blessed to have known you…you will be missed!
Tina Hartman says
When I moved to Miles City Chad was one of my neighbors. We use to take care of his birds for him when he would leave. Then one time he stopped down at the house and I had just made oatmeal cookies. He informed me I was in the wrong business because they were the best cookies he had ever had. Since the fair was coming up he convinced me to enter them in the fair. Well him and I had a good chuckle when there were only 4 entrants and I placed last. We joked about the cookies that we both loved and how the judges just didn’t know what a good cookie was. He was always seemed to be happy go lucky when I was around him and he will be missed.
Dennis White says
I knew Chad as he had his airplane maintained at Schwend Aviation in Forsyth Montana. My condolences to the family. He was a very nice young man.
Carlos Rodriques says
It was a shock to read of Chad’s passing. I met him more than twenty years ago when he was aspiring falconer and came to my house to see my birds. I was impressed with his energy and love of life and his ability to live his life fully. My condolences to his family.
Heather Regan says
Chad was a classmate of mine, it seems the whole time were going to school until we graduated together in Arlee. I always remember him getting excited in science class and especially so on the Yellowstone trip. His enthusiasm for life was amazing and I am glad he was able to do what he loved in life. My condolences to all his friends and family during this difficult time.
Peralta Family says
We met Chad a couple of years ago, in Panama, Central America where Mike his father lives and in a very short time we became very good friends, I, myself “Jaime” was expecting to see him soon.
I´m very sorry about what happen and I hope his family will recover soon from this tragedy, we will remember you for ever Chad
Earl Beck Nicole Brown says
Our deepest sympathy in the loss of such a wonderful young man. Chad was one of a kind, a special classmate, and student. May he rest in peace and always fly on the wings of the birds he loved so much.
Susanne Ohmes says
may God comfort you all in this time of incredible loss and sorrow
Laura Monasmith says
May the Lord comfort you and help you remember that Chad is now in His arms.
Tim Sell says
I am so very sorry to hear about Chad. He was indeed a great fellow and he lived his life to the fullest. He will be sorely missed. Our deepest condolences, Tim and Colleen
John Braut says
Chad was my college roomate at UM-Western for 3 years. He was an exceptional outdoorsman and a all around good guy. I was very happy he took such a liking to Miles City, he will be missed.
Ben & Patty Blaquiere says
Our sympathies to Chad’s family and friends. We were a neighbor and visited from time to time. He backed into our vehicle one time in the morning in some wacky funny pants with his hair all askew and was totally nice and took care of everything. We
are so sorry!
Erin O'Connor says
I got to know Chad when I went to work for FWP. He was one of our regular pilots and was in the office quite regularly. Anytime it wasn’t busy, we’d get to shooting the breeze about one thing or another. Over the years, we had some pretty fun and interesting conversations. Chad wasn’t afraid to speak his mind and had such a unique perspective on a lot of things. When I drew a highly coveted Missouri Breaks elk tag, he was one of the first ones to offer advice. Then when I killed my bull (my 1st elk ever!) and he stopped in to see pictures, I think he was almost as excited as I was. Chad lived across the creek from where I pasture my horses and took great delight in buzzing us if he saw me out there when he’d go over in the plane. Drove me nuts, but I know he was giggling the whole time.
Chad was a great friend to many of us at the department. He was an amazing pilot, a tremendous outdoorsman, and a true champion of Montana’s wild resources. Many of us will be forever indebted for all the things he helped us accomplish.
Its going to be hard to not see him come bopping in the front door like he always did. He will be missed by many, but its nice to know he’s up there keeping an eye on all of us.
Whitney Smith says
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to Chad. My husband is Roxies brother. I know how much Rando loved to spend time with Chad. He would talk about their outings for hours. I only got to meet Chad once…at a gas station…pumping gas of all places. He was so kind and polite and had no trouble striking up a conversation with a total stranger. Again I am so sorry for you all and I will keep you in my prayers.
Dean Waltee says
I met Chad in May of 2008 when I went to work for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Miles City. In those three short years, Chad became one of my best friends and a reliable source for wildlife information. I spend countless hours discussing hunting, game management policy and principals and general world issues with him. I was also fortunate enough to have enjoyed over 200 hours with Chad in his plane surveying Montana´s most treasured recourses. I cannot express how sorry I am for his loss and how much I already miss his friendship. He will be remembered every time I climb aboard a cub to survey wildlife.
Jinjer Cyrus Credeur says
We will all miss you….our freckled face boy!!!
Caroline Roesch Lee says
I grew up Valley Creek at the ranch neighboring Chad’s and he was a big part of my childhood. From giving me my first pony ride, teaching me how hard a fish bites, and working with him for a summer at the Bison Inn Cafe, Chad taught me a lot. This summer, I taught my kids how to fish the same way (and in the same part of the creek at Mike’s place) that Chad taught me when I was the same age as my daughter: cutting a branch from the willow trees that border his driveway, tying fishing line to the end, tying on a hook and a worm. This time, it wasn’t Chad putting the worm on the hook and taking the fish off, it was me, doing the same for my daughter. My kids learned a lot about Chad this summer, and I was hoping they would have the chance to meet him one day. Rest in peace neighbor.
Wende Fisk says
I am deeply saddened to loose such a good person and who was able to live life to the fullest. Chad always knew how to have fun and was an awesome person. He will always be in my thouhgts and memories and I will always smile when I think of Chad. He passed away doing what he loved!
Cynthia Bazin says
Sunnie & Mike and The Entire Family..Chad was the absolute best boyfriend and I miss him so much. We had the best of times together and I will cherish every second that I had with Chad for the rest of my life. Thank you Chaddy for everything. You truly are an angel…I LOVE you ALWAYS & FOREVER!!! Love, Cindy
Jody Delaney says
Chad was always full of life. He sure will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Chrissy (Adams) Baldwin says
My prayers are with Chad’s family during this time. My dad taught and coached Chad when he was in high school and he was by far my favorite player. I was about 7 or 8 at the time and he would entertain me and my sister on the long basketball trips… I am sorry for your loss…
montana pilots assoc. Miles City Hangar says
We are so sorry for your loss Chad will be missed by all his friends here in Miles City. He was always a at our fly-ins and we always enjoyed his stories.
Officers and Members of the
Miles City Hangar
Windy Davis says
I met Chad 4 years ago when I first started working for Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. My first flight in a small plane was with Chad and I got sick. In what I came to know as his joking manner he had me convinced that I was the first person to ever need to use a sick bag in the back seat. I came to love flying and spent many hours flying grouse and antelope surveys with Chad. He helped me with many projects and his passion for what he did was inspirational. He was our eagle eye of the sky and an exceptionally talented man. He was also a good friend and neighbor and came in to save the day on several occassions including helping me roof my house. I am so sorry for the loss to your family and quite frankly to the world. Chad will be greatly mised, but his memory will live on.
wendy snodgrass says
Dear Family,
I am a friend of a friend and saw this on her Facebook page. I decided to read on because she’s dear to me so I wanted to be aware that she is grieving another friend. I’m writing to share that my father was killed at 32 years old in a small plane crash in 1976. My mother was a 27 year old widow and mother of a 3 month old infant. If ever you need to talk to someone, she is a very, very warm woman who would would be happy to talk with those close to Chad about a tragedy so close to her heart.
Feel free to contact me/us anytime. My heart and prayers are with your family.
Nickie Whitworth Nicholas says
I knew chad we grew up in Valley Creek. Arlee graduates 1990. I will always remember how crazy he was and he was always in a good mood. Chad was truly one of a kind I am sorry for your loss his smile will be missed.
Jeannie Konkel says
Dear Cyrus Family,
We have known Chad since he first came to work for us as a college student. Our sons were at an impressionable age and he was an amazing role model for them. He had a great work ethic, was so polite with wonderful manners, and had a love of life that was contagious. In all these years that we have known him, his exuberance and love of life has never changed. When Chad was in Alaska, we couldn’t wait to hear of his latest adventures. Then when he turned his passion for flying into a business, he showed our sons that if you dream it, you can accomplish it. We will miss Chad so much!! My heart aches for all of you. My prayers are with you during this sorrowful time.
Stacy Mackenzie says
I did not know either of these men, just SO sorry for your loss!!…I have heard they were wonderful guys!!! Thoughts and prayers are with all of you!
Shannon Dowse says
To all of Chad’s family,
We are so sorry for your loss. Chad will be missed by many people. He was a neighbor of ours and over the past several years we have had the priveledge to get to know him. His passion for flying and animals was clearly obvious and he was always willing to help a neighbor in need. On a few occasions he even landed his plane on our gravel road and took each of my kids for a plane ride, they will never forget their first time in a plane. His enthusiasm for wildlife was evident in most conversations and he was more than happy to share his knowledge. He reached out to our 4H group to teach the kids about his birds.
He was a good friend and he will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with you all.
Shannon Dowse and family
Scott and Katie Merkel says
Sorry for your loss. Chad was a very nice person. He was one of our many neighbors out in the Bergerson Ranchettes.We first met Chad one late evening on the gravel road. He stop to help us kill a rattle snake. Neither Chad nor Scott had a shovel but I think Chad had a boat oar which got the job done.
Mark Winkley says
Dear Cyrus Family, I knew Chad from working at Pine Hills, he later became the teachers union president and I to the correctional officers president to this we had long talks about making things better for the people we worked with.It was always a pleasure to see Chad at work and visit with him about Alaska,or scuba driving at his father house in Panama.You name it Chad lived life to the fullest. He knew alot about everything. He will be greatly missed by all!
karina Leyva says
Sunnie, you are a great mother. It shows in the life of your son. big hugs from me and family.
Gerry Groves says
I met Chad at a Falconry meet in Drumheller, Alberta a couple of years ago. He made a brilliant presentation, gorgeous photos and very informative talk. Chad and my son, Jon, were good friends.
Take care,
Gerry Groves
Bill Oskowski says
SoLong Chad…
To his family and friends…
We will always remember Chad’s energy and bright outlook on life…a shining example for all !
Paige McIntyre says
To Chad’s Family – There are no words to express just how sorry I am for your terrible loss. I met Chad 6 years ago, and right away I knew he was a very special person. 2 years later, we got to know each other and had a wonderful relationship. He was my love and best friend for only one and a half years, but he was my friend to the end, and he taught me many things – all about flying, airplanes, falconry, hunting and how to shoot, wildlife, dogs(Puppa & Rita) and much more. He always gave me the best advice, even if I didn’t want to hear it, and he was usually right. Thank you Chad for everything you did for me – I will never forget you! I will miss you and love you forever!
Fern Waite Bechtel says
Chad was a great guy, we became friends a few days after the death of my sister. He was planning on buying her home so we talked several times a week. I was so impressed with Chad and his life. I know he is with God. Blessings to his family.
Delilah Cyrus DeSouza says
As Chad´s Aunty in Louisiana, I have few words to express the depth of the sadness I feel over the loss of such a fine young man, one that I never really got to know, and now never will. In spite of the “distance” we are all so proud of Chad and the man he became. In awe, really. It is evident that he made a huge positive mark in this world and touched so many people with his vibrant personality and incredible energy and accomplishments. He had so much yet to do and contribute, the world now is a lesser place. My heart aches for us all.
Mariel Walters says
What a beautiful memorial to your beloved son, Sunnie. And from the tributes, one can see how much he was respected and loved. He seemed really special and I’m sure will be deeply missed by his many friends. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
David A Perfetti says
Hi Sunnie,, great talking to you yesterday,,, all my thoughts with you, and all Chads friends this weekend . I will be up to see you,, great pics,, by the way puppa and rita came from my dog Hank,, they are the best of friends,, Love Dave
JoDee Scammon Palin says
I have so many fond memories of our time together that I will forever cherish. Remembering your kind soul, your curiosity and sense of adventure. I will never forget laughing with you and just sharing life. You still hold a special place in my heart. An amazing athlete, lover of the great outdoors and good loyal friend. I have many regrets, I did many things wrong — I hope you know how much I cared. Enjoy the great upstairs.. hope to see you soon.
Dick Crain says
God be with you in your loss.
Mary M Quispe says
My condolences go out to all of Chad’s family. I did not know him but am friends with his Aunt Delilah here in Louisiana. She was very proud of him and from reading his obituary I see that he will be sorely missed. Prayers and thoughts with all of you.
Karen Hamel-Noble says
My heart goes out to you both, if there is anything I can do please let me know. There are no words to express your pain. Just know I care.
So Sincerely,
Karen Hamel-Noble
Chris Godfrey says
I spent a lot of time exchanging hawking, bow hunting, trapping and hood making with Chad. I got a text message from him on August 15 about some hood making tools made by a company here in Texas. I know of no one who was more excited about life than he. He made out a life for himself doing the things he loved most. He was a rare and inspiring individual. He will be greatly missed by many.
John Nelson says
I remember Mr. Cyrus, had him as one of my teachers in High School, Welding, Drafting, WoodShop and Small Engines. We would often share stories about hunting up here in the arctic. He will greatly be missed.
Don & Rachel Knoblich says
We are so sorry for your loss. We knew Chad in Kotzebue and we have often remembered his enthusiasm and his great laugh.
Kelly, Julie & Abby Shea says
No words can say how deeply we feel the loss of Chad. We send our love, prayers and strength to our family.
Alvin Newlin says
Goodbye Chad, I will always remember your awesome laugh and our shared good times in Kotzebue. Rest in Peace my friend…..
Tony and Janet Richardson says
we are very sorry for your loss. Chad was truly a delightful person to be around and we will always have fond memories of flying and camping around Kotzebue.
he has slipped the bonds of earth and has touched the face of God.
Nathan Baker says
I first met Chad this spring when he agreed to help me conduct raptor surveys in South Dakota. Upon meeting Chad, we immediately became good friends. I greatly enjoyed spending time with Chad conducting these raptor surveys and exchanging hunting stories. Chad had a wealth of knowledge and an extreme passion for wildlife conservation. I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him.
Shari Johnson says
I babysat Chad when he was just a little guy in Ravalli. He has always had a special place in my heart and in the hearts of my parents, Max and Marianne and my siblings, Greg, Scott, and Kellianne. We all have cheered him on and enjoyed watching him grow into such a talented and nice man. Over the years his Aunt Jean has kept us up-to-date on Chad’s amazing adventures and accomplishments. My heart aches for you Sunnie and Mike. Chad will be greatly missed.
Larry Hoerner says
Thanks for time shared Chad.I will cherish every moment of every hunt. Big plans are being made in heaven right now. Give Ryan a big hug for Uncle Lar.
Lance Kramer says
My condolences to the family and friends. I’m going to miss my good friend.
Connie Watts says
Although I have been consumed this past week with grief over Randy’s death, I want to express my sincere condolences to Chad’s family and friends. I am told Randy and Chad were “two-of-a-kind”, and, if that is true, I have definitely missed knowing a wonderful man. God’s blessings to all of you.
Caara Gilstrap says
My heart and prayers will go out to both Chad and his Mother and Father. He lived a exciting meaningful life and will be missed. Caara
Jereme & Jenn Nicholson says
Dear Mike and family, What can we say, Jereme has been going back and fourth on coming but he just can’t seem to get the courage up to come over for the services. He said Chad of all people would understand,Chad would be in a Plane and so Jereme is in the Tractor. Since most of his childhood memories have Chad right there with him,it is hard to think of anything but that.And that is a good thing, We are so sorry that we were unable to meet the new friends in his life but they must be special people and are lucky to have known such an adventure and life loving person as Chad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love the Nicholsons
Michael Kramer says
Chad ( Bucky) Cyrus. Gonna miss him Greatly. Chad was a great friend of me and Lances for the six years he lived in Kotzebue. He was alot of fun to be around and a positive influence to the youth of the Nana Region. Chad loved flying through the mountains within the western Brooks Range and enjoyed every minute of it also. His sole will forever fly through the mountains around here. A Great Friend and Teacher. Bucky
Melissa Foster says
I flew many hours surveying and radio tracking sage grouse with Chad. He was a wonderful source of knowledge, interesting ideas, good stories, and a friend. Chad will be greatly missed.
Paula Vineyard says
I never had the opportunity to meet Chad, but it sounds like he lived a life following his passion with nature and the outdoors. I was a lifelong neighbor of Kelly Cyrus in St. Albans,WV Chad’s grandfather. My sisters Linda and Barbara grew up with Mike. Living in WV all of my life, we too have a love of all things beautiful and outdoors. I am very sorry for Mike and the entire family. My sympathy and prayers extend to the all of you. God Bless, Paula Vineyard
BrentDanniellTatem Smith says
Our though and prayers are with Chad, Sunnie and family. Xox
B & C Oil Crew says
We at B & C Oil will miss Chad’s happy smile, and his
incredible humor and knowledge of worldly affairs!! We all were going to vote for him, when he ran for President!! And Chad was so proud of his girlfriend, though we never met you!
Our Sincere Condolences,
Bill, Patsy, Gary, Lonnie, Roger, Leroy
Connie Huber says
Sunnie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Know that your friends are surrounding you with love.
Pascual & Karen Laborda says
To the family of Chad Cyrus, friends, and girlfriend from Vegas!
Our hearts dropped when hearing about Chad´s death. We only knew Chad for two (2) hours during a flight to and from Vegas the weekend of July 15th, and he was one of the most personable individuals we have ever met. He had such a positive attitude and zest about life and everything that he had done and planned to do. From teaching in Alaska and in Miles City at Pine Hills, Falconry, flying his plane to the various places when doing wildlife inventories with his company, and traveling and flying in general. He had a lot of energy which really pulled us into everything that he did and made you feel like you knew him all your life. I don´t know why God gave us this great opportunity to meet this very incredible man but I know there must have been a reason and we will cherish the two (2) hours we spent with him on the Allegiant flight down to Vegas and return to Billings, Montana.
God Bless You All and know that even though his time may have been short in this world that God needed him back. He has forever touched our lives and inspired so many people in his life. We will miss his humor, smile, and excitement for life that he had.
Pascual & Karen Laborda
David Frank says
Chad, I learned so much more about you at the Memorial Service. And I thought you were a cool guy before! Your work, hobbies, friends, and everything between were handled with the highest degree of excellence. Then mixed in with all of that was the pervasive element of fun applied to it all. David Frank
C.J. Hall says
If it wasn’t for Chad, I wouldn’t have become a Falconer. He took the time to talk to me, answer all my questions, tell me what I needed, and had to do, and then lined me up with a sponsor. I didn’t get to know Chad as well I would liked to, but I will forever be indebted to him for helping me achieve a life dream.
Fly on the wings of Angels with the birds that you loved and flew yourself. You will be sorely missed.
Andrew Jakes says
I was lucky enough to fly with Chad on a couple occasions looking for pronghorn. We often had a light-hearted competition in who could find and classify individuals the quickest! I always enjoyed how Chad made ecological connections between the animals, the habitat, and the people on the landscape. He was a thoughtful person and had a huge respect for animals and the places they live. I always knew that our conversations would keep me thinking long after the hours we logged in the plane. To his loved ones, please find some comfort in knowing that I thought of him as a genuine person, who stuck to his guns and did his best to do things the “right way”. He is missed but never forgotten.
Edwin M Booth says
he was one of my high school teachers here at kotzebue high school…
Claudia Paluch says
We had the pleasure of meeting Chad a couple of years ago while we were staying in Brusett for a hunting trip. Chad landed his plane in one of the fields that our cabin overlooked – he was visiting the family that we were staying with. We all found it great fun to watch his plane touch down. He was so full of life and had very interesting stories to share. We were so very deeply saddened to hear of his death upon visiting Brusett last week. Some people just seem to touch your life for no particular reason – except that maybe we sense something special about certain people – and we found ourselves always bringing up our memories of Chad and his plane…I can still visualize us waving to him and his passenger as they took off together. Chad and his family will always be in our prayers.
Gail & John Saccone says
We met Chad in 2009 when he flew in to Brusett. It was our first trip to the area from CT and along with the wide open spaces, amazing wildlife, and incredible sunsets, a plane landed in the field behind our cabin! We enjoyed meeting Chad and hearing his stories of flying, falconry and retired life in Panama.
We were so saddened to hear of Chad’s passing when we came out to Brusett this year. He was an amazing man and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
Jake Messinger says
I was blessed to have known Chad, and I’m grateful to have been counted among his friends. Chad helped me through some trying times, and I wish I could have returned the favor. I truly wish we had more Chads in the world. Rest well, brother.
Amos Greene says
Mr. Cyrus was probably the most versitale teacher we had here in kotzebue and one of my favorites. I had him under hunting traping and survival, small engines, wood shop and welding. my condolences to his family
Griff Morgan-Jones says
I didnt know you but admired your work from afar. Rest in peace.
Griff Morgan-Jones
Tammi & Dennis Crawford says
Happy Birthday Chadly! We miss you terribly.
Tammi & Dennis
skylar buckland says
when i went up to the annual montana falconry meet, my uncle blair anderson introduced me to chad and wow…he WAS one of the nicest people i’ve ever meet, along with all the other falconers in montana i met. i only was with him for 5-7 hours, but i knew he was and should be loved by all, even by those who hate. Godbless Chad Cyrus and i wish i could of known him more!
Daniel J. Cox says
I knew Chad a very short time but within hours I felt as if I had known this amazing guy all my life. He was incredibly inspirational and full of life, personable, friendly, giving and warm beyond belief. I was so sad to hear of his passing. I only wished I’ could have spent more time with him. I think about him often when I’m on the prairies of Montana and searching for grouse leks. We miss you Chad.
Kurt Schmidt says
I met Chad In 1994, and he and I spent a great deal of time over the next 4 years, flying long wing falcons every day of the season, all over Montana. Chad dreamed to live a large and ambitious life. Chad, and his friend Ryan Hoerner and I spent several archery seasons hard at it pursuing elk during the rut. We spent many hours crammed in little planes flying the mountains scouting for the next big elk herd we would attempt to approach on foot the next day. It was good times. Chad and Ryan both loved the outdoors and went sprinting over the next ridge, over the next mountain with a fired spirit of determination, living large and ambitious in pursuit of whatever it was they might find on the other side.
That both Chad and Ryan are gone, and passed doing what they loved to do… that is flying with their boots on, in pursuit of nature.
This world is a smaller place without their ambitious drive they both embraced on the hunt.
In the next life!
Bill says
Oh Dear Chad, You were a great guy. You came over to my house to eat toes with me. 🙂 I am so sad that you are dead. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH Maybe someone will do a wax mueseum on you. 😀
Your Good Friend,
Bill Nye The Science Guy
Bill says
Bill Nye The Science Guy