Delbert Everette Pomani Jr’s Spirt was lit in Chamberlain SD to Delbert Sr,& Marilyn Medicine Crow Pomani on October 10th 1960 present day Native American date the first born son to both Parents. He was beyond blessed to be a sibling to: Mary Jane Medicine Crow, Linda, Elizabeth, Frank, Glenn and Helen, (Marvene)all Pomani last names, he gained a couple more very longing siblings, Newsome, Deanna, and Joseph Pomani also welcoming AnnaMae Grey owl, & Codi Rae. His hunka relatives consists of; Richard Coleman and family, Romona Hawkins, Violet Fluery, Joe Moreno, Kirk Fool Bull, Thomas Duran, Dave(Kim) Shelly, Clay Shank, Dr Joe, Patrick R, Kenny Kolb, Jackie Bires, Mark Hollinburg, moonshine,izzy, Lavena and acquired a whole family tree in Venice beach Drum Circle.
Early in Delberts life he had traveled around on the pow wow trail with His grandfather Buckley pomani and his whole household that made a statement for people in Fort Thompson sd, they was known by every one on the pow wow trail. Delbert was culturally gifted by dancing all categories, singing with Black lodge and all drums that he could fit a chair in also breaking horses and boxing. Delbert was very privlidged to travel as a young boy, known for his Jokes, laughter, breaking the silence and being an amazing story teller, when he would get started telling any story you can picture everything that he had witnessed with his beautiful and humorous wording. Along his path he attended Crow Creek elementary, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, returning home to finish his high school career at Crow Creek schools. He attended Palomar college courses in California when he wasn’t traveling.
Delbert accomplished a lot in his 64 spins around the sun, including: his latest project was architectural plans for the worlds largest Tipi, working ceremonies world wide, making CD’s through Canyon records, the Longest walk, boarding school coalition. He also was known for being in movies, including 3 ninjas knucle up, dances with wolves, and was working currently with Kevin Kosner, had known Gram green, Wes studi, Janelle Rameres personally. Delbert got to perform with music video black and white by Micheal Jackson, had a part in winning a Grammy, was at standing rock sd during the protest, he was member of AIM, also chief society, founder of indigo bridge, hawiian royalty, mmiw gatherings and protests in many states, and anything he was called to help with at any given time. We believe he visited every state in th us of a, and the family answered unknown numbers he would call from out of country a times. Delbert was known by somebody at the most random places.
Chief Black fox was given his name and many titles for the way he lived his life, always taking a new path everyday for him was and adventure. We will miss his story telling magic, and his big loud laugh that would draw attention and meeting new people. Our family will miss him checking in on us, telling us where he would be and randomly stopping with new friends that became family.
Delbert was such a beautiful spirit he had a good connection to all children all over the world, including his own children to the best of his abilities/ being a traveler, phone calls and his presence was always joyous and memorable. If he could sing happy birthday, or have a song for everyone he knew the amount of songs would be to many to ever count. He loved who he got to be and inspired people to come around the fire place and pray in the best way he knew how. Being a native American church road man was accepting and inviting to all. Want to make mention of his Nephew Jobe Cottingham for supporting him in the last decade and being a huge help to him when he called for him.
Delberts children include: Michael, Christopher SR, Robert, MC, Delmarie, Sophia and others that we may have overlooked. He always included all his children, grandchildren nephews and nieces & all the innocent children in all his prayers and songs.
Chief Black (SOX) Fox is joining, his parents, siblings, mary jane, Helen, and marvene, a long list of uncles, aunts, special niece tashina and well respected line of chiefs in star nation, walking right behind his beloved Grandson. Excuse us relatives for missing any info provided because we could document what could in a very short amount of time.
Honorary pallbearers consist of Dr Joe Honovnikion MD, Darrian Pomani Naser, Michael Pomani, Jobe Cottingham, partick Reynoso, Mark Hollenbaugh, Justin, Pomani, Kaiden Pomani, & Richard coleman.
Pallbearers will be all who attend services.
Service dates are Wednesday 05/22/24 one night wake at tribal Hall in Fort Thompson on the crow creek reservation@ 7pm
Thursday evening we will be having Native American church services starting at sun down on Pomani road/eagle drive junction. Officiating is Kirk Fool Bull funeral following NAC protocals on Friday 05/24/24
Melanie Wabaunasee says
Sorry to about his passing. Met him thru a phone call about 7 years ago, he was doing that long walk, he was real cordial on the phone. Prayers and condolences to the family and to the tribe.
Ira McArthur says
My late uncle used to talk about Delbert Jr and his dad coming to visit at White Bear First Nation, Saskatchewan in the 1970s for NAC meetings. Jr shared a lot of good NAC songs with my uncles that we still sing around the fireplace today.
Stephen Bires says
Black Fox lived on our ranch in the guesthouse three separate times. Each time was a very unique and great experience. Also, each time he left here it was to be about his life’s work. He talked to me many times about the projects that he worked on to come to fruition. He had such an interesting outlook and was also great friends with our animals. He renamed our Cairn Terrier with the native name of Charlie Little Feather. Charlie loved him very much. Black Fox blessed our land and gave special blessings to our extended family, our late neighbor Diane, my sister Mary, and even our accountant. His humor was never ending. I especially remember his little red car that he called “The War Pony”. So many stories and memories of his years living here on the ranch with me and Jackie. I will never forget him.
Walks With Three Legs says
He will be missed.
Steve Ewald says
Thank you relatives for sharing this, and for allowing me to speak and share a couple things here. My sincere condolences to Delbert’s family and to all who will miss him. We will pray for you and remember you.
Chief Black Fox was one of the few people I will always remember in my life as truly original. He was one of a kind, and I don’t think I will ever meet someone else quite like him. His positivity was overwhelming and his laughter infectious. He had a way of drawing people into his vision of what the world could be with this, a charisma that brought people up to the place from where he saw things, touched their hearts, and inspired them to come together.
This was the effect he had on people. You could encounter him once and look back to realize it had changed the course of your day, your year, or maybe even the path you’d taken in life. There was a love and a power to the way this man spoke, prayed, and sang from the heart that had a way of drawing you in and getting to you. Over the course of our years as friends and collaborators, I saw many of his visions and great ideas come to life this way, things people would have said weren’t possible. He saw things differently and believed they could.
I remember he would always ask me two things: did you remember to bring tobacco? And what song do you have to sing? He wanted to share his ways with the whole world, and he always wanted to know yours too, no matter who you were or where you came from.
If I didn’t have anything to sing, he would joke and ask me if my tongue hurt from biting it so much.
From all our adventures together, I will remember my friend and brother Delbert for what anyone who knew him will tell you: his laughter. Of all his medicine, his sense of humor I know will always stay with me.
Any time I was starting to get negative or he heard me say anything less than nice about anyone he would say, “Oh come on!” and snap me out of it. I remember when we’d be walking he’d always sneak up on you and grab you shouting “HEYA!” out of nowhere, then die laughing deep from the belly, along with everyone around him.
I pray you passed on with laughter in your belly and a song in your heart, Chief. Thank you for everything, and I just wanted to say that much. Aho!
Lorenzo Balil says
My dear brother. May you remember being one with the Great Spirit. Thanks for your medicine and for praying infront of me in dakota lenguaje. Although I could’nt understand a word, i won’t forgett how beautifull it was. Big hug to all the family. Love. Lorenzo.
Chris Pomani Sr says
My father was many different types of memories. Mine I felt closest was of recently. He would call and he had contact with my four kids, his grandkids. BECAUSE I SAID THE COMMUNICATION WITH BOTH GENERATION’S WAS LOST BECOUSE OF THE PHONE AND THE PRIDE. I asked them to talk to him, and he was there with us, most importantly for me.

I didn’t get to know him growing up, because of the deceitful cops, social worker. My father told me he was told he is getting out(of jail tribal) if he signed his paperwork.
My grandma couldn’t get us back from the system also. I gave him my blessing my forgiveness and I saw he had that said. I remember the jail outfit he was wearing in the picture the caseworkers as they gave us a life history. They said he was getting in jail, but he was sitting in there, and my grandma was in inpatient treatment so she can represent as a guardian.
I love u dad…… People need to hear this because u held on to that for as long as I held my animosity.
Today I’m happier and I helped raise my four kids.
Eugene Blackbear, Jr. says
Oh no, my nephew Delbert Jr!!!! Sadness for just now hearing of his passing and missing his funeral!! We had many many drum ties and NAC meetings, singing beautiful songs together, some composed by Delbert’s family and Ordell Iron Shell. I’ll never forget the relationship we made with Delbert Sr, Leroy, & Delbert Jr!! Our songs and Prayers connected that night, 1985 Lamedeer!!!! Condolences from Oklahoma, Son Delbert Jr!! Cedar, Prayers, songs, as you make your Journey Home!!!!
Pamela Abeyta Sooktis says
Condolences to Delbert family I would like to include my nephew Delbert Spear as well he was Delberts son here in Lamedeer Mt.
Tony Lazzareschi (Italian relative of Lazarus) says
I hosted Black Fox in 2010 in LA, met him through a friend Carter. He showed me the pow wows, we did a ceremony for a couple and also inspiration for movie story boards for a ninja
film. He was a strong soul and I will capture it in mine. As I believe our elders/friends live inside us all.
Charles Langley says
I am saddened to learn of the death of Delbert Black Fox. He gave generously of his time and spirit when he was in San Diego helping us fight the construction of a high-level radioactive nuclear waste dump at San Onofre State Beach Park. That park, with its rolling and gentle surf, is located on one of the last untouched areas on the Southern California Coast on the Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Black Fox said many prayers and blessings at our speaking events. His presence, his chanting, and his drumming, calmed people down so that they could hear our words and our warnings of the future. Peace and Love to to Black Fox wherever he may be traveling now.