Helen Brewer Orestad, age 97 of Miles City, passed away at home with family by her side on October 10, 2021.
Helen Brewer was born on the farm three miles south of Elk Point, S.D. fifth of nine children, on Feb. 23, 1924. Her father was a well driller, her mother, a teacher.
She met Peter Edward Orestad (Ed) at a dance at the Town Hall north of Sioux City, Iowa. He returned to Montana and they corresponded for a year. Returned to his sister’s in Sioux City. They were married on August 8, 1941
Bad luck struck again. After the Friday wedding, he was taken to the Hawarden hospital with appendicitis on Saturday evening. He recuperated at Helen’s sisters and they left for Montana where Ed could get a job herding sheep where no heavy work was involved. They were offered a job on the old Biddle and Ferdon ranch owned by Hank Dykes. He ruptured his surgery, and they went to work for Charles Miles herding sheep. Car payments, Doctor bills and hospital bills were met. At Christmas, the weather was too severe for her to stay in the sheep wagon, so she went home with her parents. Ed came down in February. They stayed with his sister and he picked up odd jobs at the hide cellar and packing houses. In April Ed was hired by a construction company to build a bomber base for the government at Sergeant Bluff, where they rented an apartment. Joseph Edward was born on May 26th. The base was completed in August and they moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to help his sister. Ed got a job in the Milwaukee railroad shops. First of December, he transferred to Miles City Milwaukee Railroad shops, and they rented an acreage. Here they raised a garden, fryers and bought calves. Madonna Mae was born. The war ended and Ed took a ranch job working for Harry Brown at Powderville, taking their cattle along. The next move was to Sid Richardson’s where they managed the 6 mile ranch until Sid’s father passed away and Sid moved back there. They returned to Harry Brown’s where James was born. Harry’s son returned home, so they helped Walter Elgin move to Biddle, trailing up his herd of cattle and a band of sheep. They lived in the Fred Rue Cabin until the next spring when they sold their cattle and bought the Walter Romasko Section. No building, no fences, no well. Ed worked for Albert Brown in the summer. In the winter, they went to Sioux City where Ed worked for the Milwaukee railroad and she cleaned houses, saving their money to make a home on the section. Albert Brown donated an abandoned homestead shack which they disassembled and moved to the section. They lived in a tent, cooked on a campfire, put up the log house, dug a well. The family moved up to their section in Sept. 1949 and Joe and Donna started Spring Creek School. Helen was rushed to Miles City on Sept 26 with an appendix attack. They had started to fence posts cut from the cottonwood trees which Helen had cut while Ed was at work. Browns and hauled up weekends with the old 1927 Chevrolet truck. Neighbors helped finish the well and some of the fence. Lillian was born in 1955 and Mary Ann in 1957. They bought a set of logs erected to the eaves in Miles City and moved them to the ranch. They had it put up and were shingling the roof when Helen returned home with Mary. In 1960, they bought the Rob Mann holdings from Harvey Carter and moved to the road and modern conveniences. Later they bought the Frank Moths place, trading it later to the Krutzfelds and buying the Thulesen holdings. In 1988, they bought some WL ranch sections. In 1980 when Ed got cancer, Tom and Lillian Ostendorf bought the Thulesen part of the ranch. Helen purchased the Mosby homestead in 2007. Helen began teaching when a teacher was fired in 1955. She taught for 18 years in rural schools. She graduated from Miles Community College and Eastern Montana College through workshops, correspondence courses, summer schools, and extension courses.
She was a member of SEMRTA, Range Rider’s Reps, Farm Bureau Century Club, First Lutheran Church, and Waterworks Gallery. She was a local area news reporter for the Miles City Star and the Powder River Examiner for 40 years and served on District 16 election board and Custer County Board for 40 years. She was the author of a history book of the area, a biography and a cook book. A copy of her Powderville history was placed in the Mansfield library in Helena. She was influential in having a highway sign erected at the former town of Beebe. Helen made quilts, her children’s clothing, gardened, cooked, fenced, ranch work, crafts, oral and acrylic painting and was a fair mechanic.
She is survived by three daughters: Madonna Balsam of Miles City, Lillian (Tom) Ostendorf of Powderville, Mary Ann (Dan) Johnson of Forsyth; one son James (Darla) Orestad of Great Falls; one brother Harold (Beverly) Brewer of Phoenix, AZ; one sister Hazel Kneebone of Elk Point, SD; 11 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren, and 3 great great grandchildren . She was preceded in death by her parents, husband Ed and son Joseph, four brothers, two sisters, and a son in law Charley.
Should friends desire, memorials may be made to the Powderville Hall, First Lutheran Church, Imagination Library of Eastern Montana, 2200 Box Elder, Box 3, Miles City, MT 59301 or to the charity of one’s choice.
Visitation will be held on Friday, October 15, 2021 with the family receiving friends from 4:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. at Stevenson & Sons Funeral Home in Miles City. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at the First Lutheran Church in Miles City. Private family burial will be held on the Orestad Family Cemetery. Condolences may be sent to the family by visiting: www.stevensonandsons.com.
Denise Harvey says
My thoughts are with you as you cherish wonderful memories. Take care and May God Bless,
Laura Jane Willson says
So sorry to see this. A lot of history goes with that lady. She will be missed.
Jim and Lavina Hall says
We always enjoyed visiting with Helen & Ed. God rest their souls.
Ruben and June Opp says
Orested family, what a wonderful lady, May God bless and comfort you all as you cherish the memories of her long and wonderful life.
Ruben and June Opp
Jessie Leidholt says
Jim and I am so sorry to hear of Helen’s passing. It is really an end to an era. All of he old timers of Powderville are gone but Helen will never be forgotten by the ones who knew her. She was tiny but mighty and a force to be reckoned with. Will really miss her laugh. Loved that woman.
Lou schield says
So sorry to read about Helen ! She was such a sweetheart! R.I.P….In prays!!!
Pam Moths Nisley says
My childhood was sooo impressed with this woman in so many positive ways!!! Friends and neighbors, I have delightful memories of this dear woman and her family!!! My love and prayers to you all in the weeks and months ahead…..
Jim and Annalise Willson says
We are so sorry to hear about Helen. Ed and Helen were long time Friends, in the fall of 1965 I helped Joe haul and Stack Ed and Helen’s hay. When we were done Ed and Joe and I went to Broadus and Ed helped me get a Job with Pemberton Brothers TA Ranch. I have never forgotten their generosity. Thank You Ed and Helen, May you now Rest In Peace.
Jim and Annalise Willson
Betty J Vail says
Another Powderville great gone. I always enjoyed visiting with Helen when I saw her out and about.
Tammy Mallett Pecha says
So sorry for your loss.Mrs O was one of a kind a very special person and friend. We loved her.You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Melva says
Donna, I’m so sorry to see of your mother’s passing. My prayers and sympathy for you and your family.
Pam Rogge says
My condolences and prayers are with the Orestad family at this time.
Vickie and Dave Gunderson says
Lillian, Madonna and family, what a long and blessed life your Mom had..so many great memories💞
Bert and Nancy Stoddard says
Helen was one of Bert’s favorite people. She and Ed were one of his most liked stops. He particularly liked the buffalo in the living room. Condolences and prayers for the family. She was a great lady.
Patricia Franklin says
Sending my condolences to Helen’s family. Enjoyed talking to Helen she was very knowledgeable on about everything. Helen lived a amazing life.
TJ, Tana & Sinae Kiel says
We are sorry to hear of Helen – sad for all of us, but oh, the reunion she has had with Ed and the rest of her family!!! Our thoughts are prayers with you – love you all!
Mike & Judy Toennis Family says
Our thoughts and prayers are with your families.
Louise de Montigny says
My condolences to Helen’s family and community for the passing of this remarkable life.
Jo Ryan says
So sorry for your loss. Keep the memories close in your heart.
Doug Benge says
Orestad family:
Heartfelt condolences to all on the passing of Helen. I very much enjoyed her visits over the years. Always knowledgeable, sparkle in her eyes, humor and a little spunk too. Like so many ag people, despite her age, she always stayed interested in it and never totally retired from it. A grand and kind lady, and left a great legacy in her family. She will be missed. Best wishes to all.
Elizabeth Schinko-Ritter says
Our Deepest Condolences to the Orestad family at this time of loss. I never met Helen but heard she was a tough, caring woman, who knew how to manage a ranch by herself and had many other talents. That’s impressive, and reading some of the stories in the obit, and others over the years, I get that impression even more. My Grandmother Anne Schinko (Ed’s sister) had many writings about her life in Powderville and Montana in the 20’s and 30’s which I inherited, and reading through her letters and other memorabilia painted such a vivid picture of the place. I know it is a place where my Dad and Uncle Hank spent much time as a boys, and had many fond memories of; my Dad had many great stories as well of Oscar and of course Ed and the others hamming it up and playing little tricks on the boys. In spite of the loss, there are so many happy memories, I am glad for that. May she rest in peace.
Jo Jurica says
Our condolences to all the Orstad family. Being the oldest and last of that generation at Powderville she showed us all how to persevere. She was a wonderful neighbor and friend as well as a woman of faith. She will long be remembered. R I P……Helen.
Christine Laurie says
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you put your mom to rest! Celebrate her full life and keep all the wonderful memories alive and pass them on when you can! Love and Blessings. Christine Laurie
Rick and Dee Abbott says
Madonna, Lillian, Mary Ann and families: You have our sincerest sympathy and condolences for the passing of Helen. We enjoyed each of our visits with her; our last ‘big’ visit was at Robert’s graduation party – she remembered some good stories and details about Rick, his family and the old neighborhood. “GG” was a pistol!!! We pray our Lord eases your grief with His comfort, peace and solace.
Debbie McCown Perkins says
I have fond memories of going to Ed and Helen’s to fix a tractor or go hunting with my father. There was always coffee on and something to eat. Great people wonderful family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Bonnie Russiff Schott says
My sympathies to you all – what a strong and amazing woman she was. Thinking of you during these times. When I pass by the wonderful sign at Beebe I will think of her and remember her fondly…
Gerald & Janet Himelspach says
Our condolences to all of Helen’s family. What memories we have of our Powderville families, may your memories sustain you in this time of grief. Our sympathy to all.
Deb and Bob Hagemeister says
Lillian, Mary Ann and families. So sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed visiting with Helen over the years! Keep your memories close! Sending hugs, Deb and Bob
Steven Reitz says
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family! I enjoyed my many trips to Helens as her Schwans man. I was her designated light bulb changer and we always had interesting conversations. She will be missed by all that knew her.
Dustin & Trixie Muggli says
Lillian, Mary Ann and all of Helen’s family, So sorry for your loss. May all your good memories be a great comfort to you at this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Diane Hoffman says
What a dear lady and all her family also. So many stories she could have shared. She will be very missed.
Lloyd and Jan Sohl says
Lillian and family: your Mom lived a life of many experiences and many of them major challenges. She rose above them all to another higher level. You are so fortunate to have had her as your Mom. We remember your Mom and Dad well sitting in the same pew in Church and being there every Sunday. Our sympathy to you all.
Norma Schinko Jackson says
My deepest sympathies to the family of Great Aunt Helen. Aunt Helen was a strong woman with many talents. I was blessed to meet Great Aunt Helen and Great Uncle Edward during the summer of 1982. We stay at their ranch in Powderville Montana for 1 month with our father Henry Schinko. We enjoyed learning alot about ranching and also meeting the family.
I stayed in contact with Aunt Helen via letters and cards. I still have one of her famous cookbooks. She was an amazing lady with a lot of experiences. She will be missed greatly. I love you Aunt Helen. RIP Aunt Helen! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Josie Jessup Lehn says
Helen was my great aunt, my grandma Anne Orestad Schinko & my mother Diane Schinko Jessup. I was at the farm at 11 in summer of 1976 & at 15 in fall of 1980. The first time there, Helen taught me so much about the farm! She showed my how to get eggs out from under the chickens without getting pecked to death! She showed me the pigs in the pen! She also saved my life killing a rattlesnake that was 2ft in front of me when we went in her truck to the water pumping hole. Like nothing, that little lady grabbed a shovel & took that snakes head off like nothing! Needless to say I was traumatized!! She also showed me the horses Star & Comanche! They chased me in the field on the bicycle! It was so beautiful there & I loved every minute of it! I also came out there when I was 15 with my dad Ray & brother Chuck hunting in November of 1980. It was actually warm out there 65. I didn’t hunt, just wanted to check out animals & scenery! Saw Helen & Edward. It was just so different & I cherish those memories! I often think about that farm fondly! You don’t realize as a kid just how hard that work really is! I never heard a cross word! Wish I could have gone more. God bless Helen & Edward! So sorry for your loss! ♥️♥️♥️
Josie Jessup Lehn/New Berlin WI
Charley Snell says
What a treasure in Helen. So many wonderful stories and memories.
Love and blessings to all.
Charley Snell
Mary Ottoy says
My condolences to the family of Helen Orestad
Lori Donnelly says
My thoughts and prayers are with you all today, as you gather to celebrate Helen’s life.
While teaching at Spring Creek School, she was the very first person to ever “Sub” for me when I was unable to. She was a super sweet lady. ❤
Bill Moths says
I have so many fond memories of Helen and the Orestad Family. Helen was not only a great teacher, but a good neighbor and friend to me as a child growing up in the Powderville area. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family in this time of grief. Helen was such an inspiration to all, and a true pioneer. So long, my old friend, till we meet in heaven.
Elsie O'Daniel Kennedy says
Madonna: Sounds like your Mom was quite a gal. 97 is a long life but fitting for a lady of many talents as she obviously was.
It’s hard to lose our parents no matter how old we are. My condolences to your family.
Josephine Meidinger says
My sincere sympathy
Jane Viall says
To all of the family,
I was out of town and sad not to be with all of you I have known most of my life. You are in my prayers as you walk through this loss, prayers for comfort in the hope we have in Jesus and his provision for an eternity where we will see those we love again.
Mott family says
My heart goes out to the families of Helen. She was such a presence in the community; first as a long-time teacher, and then as a historian of happenings in and around the community.
Rest in peace Helen. Your family will miss you.