Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
Service Schedule
Services are pending at this time or no services will be held. If available, please see obituary for more information.
James Arneson says
Rita, Debbie and families, I am sorry for your loss. I was lucky to move into town in the 2nd grade, and live behind your house, getting to know your mom for years. May God comfort you with the best of memories now and always
Darryl and Linda says
To all of Shelley’s families
Sorry you lost the patriarch of your families. Shelley always with a beautiful smile and sparkle in her eyes. Always had time for a quick visit. Take care
Molstad family says
Condolences on the loss of your mother.
Cori Hanel Munsell says
Debbie and Rita, so sorry that your mother passed. She was a fighter!! Such a special woman, you will miss her.
Gina Wolff says
Debbie and Rita, I am so sorry for your loss. Mom and her were great friends and can remember their visits over coffee. She was a special person to our family. Condolences to you and your family.
Meriam Schmidt Hogue Mcmurry says
Shelley and I played together when we were probably 4 years old in Mildred! my folks moved to Fallon and her folks moved to Terry and we went to high school together and had such a wonderful friendship! She was so special to me and I loved her dearly. My sympathies to all her family
Cindy and Allen Kelm says
So sorry to hear of Shelly’s passing, she was such an amazing and fun lady. I have lots of fun memories of her while working together at Washington Middle School, she had such a gift dealing with those junior high kiddos. Cherish the memories and hold her close to your heart ❤️❤️
Cindy Stanton says
I’m sorry to see this. I rented a little house from Shelley and Ed in Miles City years ago. I had no idea who she was. Then I was telling my mom about this cute little house and the nice landlady. She said she knew Shelley from high school in Terry. Mom came to visit and see my new little house and Shelley just happened to pop over. They had a great visit and always asked about each other after that. Shelley was so nice and an excellent landlord. She will surely be missed by all her friends and family. My condolences to all.
Morris Clendenen says
Dear Debbie and Duane, Rita, Dana,Katie, and all of the family. I am so sorry for your loss. Shelley was a dear friend of mine. I will always remember her and our friendship. Shelly was a Great Lady! I loved her stories and I will always cherish the times spent hanging with her and you guys and the fun adventures in Mildred. I will always remember Shelley as one of my best friends.
Dick Culver says
My belated Candace Hecker would want her condolences sent to all of the family. RIP
Kathy Culy says
Debbie,Rita and Rita
So very sorry for the loss of your mother..
Thinking of you all may your memories
Carry you thru this sad time..