Suzette Kammie Bryant was born on May 16, 1969 in Crow Agency to Michael Bryant Sr. and Susie Bellymule Clubfoot. Mokee’e “Little Woman” was named after an aunt Magdalene “Magoo” Shoulderblade. She was raised in Birney and attended Lame Deer Elementrary School and went to St. Labre High School. After school she went to Clearfield Job Corps where she met Gary Turkey. Kammie and Gary later moved to Valentine, Nebraska where they started their family. Kammie returned to Birney, MT with her family where they remain today.
Kammie enjoyed life and kept her friends and family close. She enjoyed the simple pleasures like taking drives and visiting with friends and relatives. Before her passing, Kammie was baptized by Deacon Joe and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.
Kammie is preceded in death by her mother, Susie Bellymule Clubfoot; father, Michael Bryant Sr.; daughter, Montoya Littlewhiteman; sister, Delores Spang Killsnight; nephew Rodney Littlemouth; and niece, Terri New Holy.
Kammie is survived by her children: Amber, Shelby, Phillip, and Brandon Bryant; grandchildren, Iianna and Taylor Whiteshield, Trishell Bryant, Traith and Trineta, Cadence Clubfoot, Blake, Micah, McKinnly, and Dominique Bryant; sisters, Marion Spang, and Sara Medicine Top; brothers; brothers, Michael Bryant Jr., Loy (Maureen) Bryant, Clarence “Third” Medicine Top, Waylon Sioux, Dana Spang, and Erin Newholy, Darren, Marlin (Sunshine) and Mario Spotted Elk; nieces and nephews, Waylon Sioux, Dana Spang, Mitchell Bryant, Adriann Killsnight, Byron Woods, Merrill (Christie) Killsnight, Charles (Monica), Merlin, Merilyn, and Grinell Killsnight; cousins, Blaine Redneck, Margene (Sheldon) Seminole, Ethan Seminole, Abdel Whiteshield, Montana Bushhead, Jada Nanez, Emellio Brady, Delorian Whiteman, Jeremy, Tayshawn, Amare Seminole, Jordie “JJ”, Erin New Holy; aunts, Marlene Redneck, and Nellie Redhat of Oklahoma; uncle, Frank Longjaw of Busby; extended families, Pines, Spotted Elk, Fighting Bear,, Little Mouth, Oldman, ittleoldman, Roundstone, Medicine Elk, Ryan, Little Bird, Night Walker, Medicine Bull, Whistling Elk, Bullcoming, Standing Elk, Little Coyote, Brady, Running Wolf, Elkshoulder, Sooktis, Shoulder Blade, Bement, Walksalong, Strangeowl, Bellymule, Rockroad, Tallwhiteman, Sandcrane, and Two Moon.
The family would like to thank St. Vincent doctors, nurses, Indiuan Health Service Staff, Lame Deer Police Department, Transportation Staff, and Stevenson and Sons Funeral Home. Special thank you to Elizabeth Hiwalker and Deacon Joe Kristufek.
Suzette Bryant, age 55, of Birney
May 16, 1969 – June 15, 2024

Donna says
Condolences to the family hugs and prayers
Kristin Krank says
My name is Kristin aka Krispy, I am sending my condolences MY dad was married to Violet Bellymule. I’m here 4 the family. Clarence 3rd. And the others.
Anonymous says
Prayers kammie especially for your children . Condolences to all.
Barbara Bement says
Prayers to the families for comfort and healing 🙏