Zachary Christopher Lieb, the son of Dr. Christopher & Nacona (Pauley) Lieb was born into Heaven on August 1, 2013 at Billings Clinic.
Service Schedule
Family to Receive Friends
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday August 6, 2013
Stevenson & Sons Funeral Home
1717 Main Street
Miles City, MT 59301
Rosary Service
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday August 6, 2013
Stevenson & Sons Funeral Home
1717 Main Street
Miles City, MT 59301
Funeral Mass
11:00 a.m.
Wednesday August 7, 2013
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
520 N. Montana
Miles City, MT 59301
Rite of Committal
Wednesday August 7, 2013
Custer County Cemetery
Cemetery Road
Miles City, MT 59301
Service Schedule
Family to Receive Friends
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday August 6, 2013
Stevenson & Sons Funeral Home
1717 Main Street
Miles City, MT 59301
Rosary Service
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday August 6, 2013
Stevenson & Sons Funeral Home
1717 Main Street
Miles City, MT 59301
Funeral Mass
11:00 a.m.
Wednesday August 7, 2013
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
520 N. Montana
Miles City, MT 59301
Rite of Committal
Wednesday August 7, 2013
Custer County Cemetery
Cemetery Road
Miles City, MT 59301
J Johnson says
Dear Family of Zachary Christopher Lieb – every human life is significant and the loss of Zachary hurts us all. We are promised in the Bible that there will be a time in which the pain that we now experience with this loss “will not be called to mind” (Isaiah 65:17). God did not purpose that mankind suffer and die and has promised that a time will come when no one will say “I am sick” (Isaiah 33:24). We are promised that a time will come when pain and death with be no more (Revelation 21:4). We have the hope of being with our loved ones who have been resurrected (John 5:28-29). Please be comforted by Bible promises of a hopeful future (John 17:3).
Pat & Bob Corbin says
Nacona and family I am so sorry to hear this news. Nothing could be harder than to loose such a precious gift as a baby. I so wish I could say something or do something that would make the hurt go away. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
holly baldwin franklin says
while you were there for me with my little one not knowing what her future held. we pray for you during your time of need he will guide you and protect you. blessings come your way ten fold…
Denise Harvey says
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
April Thompson says
Dr. Lieb and Nacona,
My sincerest condolences. Your family is in my prayers.
Penny Hart says
Nacona Dr. Lieb, Maggie, and all of your family, my heart aches for you, We are so sorry, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Randy and Penny Hart
Jenny Johannsen and family says
Dear Chris and Nacona… we are truly sorry for the loss of precious Zachary!! We send our prayers of comfort and many hugs!! Please know you all our in our daily thoughts during this time!! Much love to you all! Jenny, Curt, Rissy, and Jora
Nancy Pasha says
Dear Chris, Nacona and Maggie…Words cannot express what is in my heart right now for you and your family. God doesn’t always chose the old and withered for his heavenly bouquet, she picks the brightest and youngest and the most precious. I pray that God will comfort you and give you peace. God’s plan is often hard for all of us to understand. God has given little Zachary his angel wings and he will sit at the Father’s throne. God bless you all. Love, Nancy Pasha
Beverly Rabe says
I’m so sorry for your loss may god be with you and your family in your time of need there r no words anyone can say to heal your heart only time can heal your pain know that my orayers are with u and your family
Greg Walkowiak says
I’m sorry for your loss.
Sharon Wilcox says
Chris and Nacona, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Vicki Thorn says
Chris and Nacona,
We are holding you in our hearts! I am so sorry for your loss of Zachary! We will be with you in prayer on Tuesday and Wednesday and beyond! Hugs for all of you!
Rissa and Ian says
Dr.Lieb, Nacona and Family, So sad to hear about Zachary. Our hearts ache for you all and words just Can ‘t express our feelings. May you all find a little comfort in these short notes from your friends and neighbors.
Grant and Leah Miller says
Chris, Nacona, Maggie and all the rest of your families, Our thoughts are prayers are with all of you at this most difficult time. Words can not even began to convey our feelings for this tragic loss of your dear son “Zachary”. In Love and Friendship, Grant and Leah Miller
Jessie Beehler says
Dr Lieb, Nacona and Maggie & families, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May the Lord help you to find comfort in your times of grief. With deepest sympathies, Jessie & Mariah Beehler
Ernest and Esther Nelson says
May God be with you and comfort you ! Our prayers and sympathy during these hours and days of the loss of a baby !!!
Steve/Sharon Thorn says
Dr. Lieb, Nacona, and family. So sorry about your loss!
In our prayers!
God Bless!
Steve/Sharon Thorn
Becky Stanton says
Nacona and family,
I am so sorry for your loss of your precious baby. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Becky Hanson Stanton
Kathi Piquette says
Praying for your family.
Laura and Monte Monasmith says
Words cannot express enough. The solice we can give is joy of knowing that your son is with Jesus waiting for you to meet him there.
Beth Ann Wiedeman says
“born into heaven” is a wonderful statement of faith. My hope and prayer for you is that this statement of faith helps you with your sorrow and pain; knowing you son is with God. My prayers and tears are with you.
Terri Beyl says
Chris & Nacona…. there are no words that I can say to express how sad this makes me. Just know that God has a plan. You are all in my heart & prayers.
Bryan, Janel, Daetyn and Kellen says
Chris, Nacona and Maggie – So incredibly sorry for your loss. You are all in our prayers.
Brenda Witkowski says
Chris, Cona and Maggie,
I am so so sorry to hear about Zachary. Breaks my heart. It is so not fair!! I have just been sick since I heard. While I was looking at his handsome little face I realized what a wonderful welcoming he had going into heaven. His Grandpa Daddo, Uncle Bill and Great Poppa. Can you imagine the stories baby Zachary is being told right now??!! Makes me feel a bit better. Still wish he was here for his momma to hold. Your baby will never know pain or sorrow. Sure wish there was something I could say to take the pain away. May God wrap you in comfort and give you strength during this difficult time. Love you!!
Justin & Charlee Kuhbacher says
What a beautiful little baby boy, He is perfect!…It is with Deepest Sympathy we send our Love and Prayers….May God comfort your hearts at this time…and always..
Kim Lewis says
We are so sorry to hear this sad news! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We lost a baby daughter and understand the difficulty. We hope you will feel strengthened by your faith and surrounded by the love and support of those around you.
Kim and Paul Lewis
Jim & Cathy Bastian says
We are so very sorry! There is nothing that compares to the loss of a child. You will be forever changed, but I know that some day, the Lord will walk toward you carrying your beautiful little boy and you will get to hold him once again. Until then, I hope you can draw comfort from your family and friends who love and care about you. Our prayers are with you all. Cathy & Jim
Harvey, Vanna & Leonard Byrd says
He is indeed a very beautiful little bundle! We’re so very sorry for your loss, but believe that we will all be reunited in Heaven and Zachary will be waiting for you with open arms. May God Bless and Comfort you.
Harvey, Leonard & Vanna Byrd
Shirley Byrne says
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but know we are here for you.
Jean Hickey says
My heart aches for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers
Nora Drew says
Dear Dr. Chris & Nocona- So terribly sorry for the loss of your baby son. It is a hard thing to understand and accept. May your faith keep you strong and the love and support of your friends and family bring you comfort ad courage.
Nancy Denowh says
Nacona and Dr. Lieb and family,
My sincere sympathy in the loss of your precious baby boy. May God give you comfort and strength in the days ahead.
Rick and Avis Rost and family says
Dr. Lieb and family,
My prayers are with you all at this time. I don’t know, and can’t even comprehend the hurt you feel at this moment. May God give you strength to continue serving him, and may you have the comfort of all your friends and family around you as you go through this hard time. God Bless you all.
Corina Venable says
Nacona and family
Sending much love to you now and in the days to come.
Kerry Harris says
Chris and Nacona,
My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. My prayers for you are for courage and strength; that God will see you through.
Marjorie Hoon says
I am so sorry for your loss. My son went to heaven as a baby also. I heart aches for you all. May the healing be a strengthing of your soul. When the sun shines it is your childs warmth shining down on you. I cry and pray for you today. You have my deepest sympathy. Hold tight to each other. God bless you all.
Mary Snell says
Nacona & Family:
Sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers to you. Look to the Lord and He will provide for you during this difficult time.
Renee C. Scherbarth says
Christopher and Family,
I was sadden this morning reading the death notice in the Milwaukee Journal about your son. The Lieb family has been through a lot over the years. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Renee’ C. Scherbarth – Funeral Director in Milwaukee – I took care of your 4 brothers when I was with Becker Ritter Funeral Home
Toni Strouf & family says
Dr.Lieb, Nacona and Maggie, I am so sad for you. The why’s and what if’s is a natural part of this process for us here but trust in the lord at this time. You two are a strong couple and amazing parents. Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture of Zachery and take comfort in the thought that he has a certain cowboy in heaven that will be guiding him and teaching him just as you would. His grandfather probably already has him in the saddle with him. 🙂 Love you guys and the whole family is thinking of you!!!! Toni
Bud and Sandy Williams says
Nacona and family, So so sorry to hear about your beautiful little man. Our hearts ache for you all. May God be with you all and please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Cindy and Dale Berg says
Praying for your family now and in the days to come. God bless you all.
Del and Ruth Robson says
Dr. Lieb and Nacona and Maggie,
We just want to let you know that our prayers are with you and your family. It is so hard to lose a child, but we know that he is in God’s arms. Please accept our deepest sympathy.
John Armstrong says
I had the honor of bringing you communion last Friday morning. You Nacona , Christopher, and Zachary have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since. What a beautiful boy and I truly believe he is now relishing in the glory of our Lord. For some reason God called him straight home and spared him the pains and trials of this life on earth. I am so sorry for your loss and pain but pray that your faith will grow even stronger. It was my pleasure meeting you.
Gracie Ann Waples Hill says
Special prayers and thoughts to you during this difficult time. He is a precious bundle and will be waiting for you on the other side (heaven). Families are forever and we love you.
Judie and Rory Gillespie says
We pray that the angels that have held the Lieb family through heartbreak encircle you with their compassion and love. A human family as well is on its knees in gratitude for the gift of Zachary Christopher and in prayer for his parents and his sister in asking for the peace that only Christ can give. We love you Chris and Nacona.
Parishioners of St. Catherine Parish says
Dear Christopher and Nacona,
May the Risen Lord of Life, continue to hold your family close together as you mourn the loss of your son Zachary Christopher Lieb. Along with Zachary’s Mother and Father, and the family which now gathers to remember and support one another, be blessed with the comforting words and tears of Jesus our Savior, who promised, “to just such as these little ones, the kingdom of God belongs.”
May you be comforted in your sorrow,
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish
Milwaukee, WI.
Tommy and ReAnn Crane and Dixie Berzel says
Nacona and family
We are so sorry for your loss. Just know our thoughts and prayers are with you. If you need anything just let us know.
Ginger Kiel says
Nacona & family,
My sincerest sympathy to all of you. May your faith give you strength and comfort through this extremely heart breaking and difficult time. I am a phone call away if you need anything.
Diane Welbes says
My thought and prayers are with you–God has taken your angel to watch over Him .
Keith & Barb Hoover says
Nacona, Chris and family, My thoughts and prayers are with you all. It’s not goodbye. It’s I’ll see you again. Praying for comfort for you all.
Chuck & Sherry Schillo says
Chris, Nacona, & family, So sorry to hear about the loss of your son Zachary. May you find comfort in the lord at this time & in the difficult days that are ahead. Please know that you are all in my prayers & we will continue to say special prayers for Zachary. God Bless all of you.
Ron & Connie Watts says
Doc and Nacona–No words can express how sorry we are for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
Wayne and Carola Moline says
Nacona Chris, and Maggie, also Jan and your family. Guess there isn’t much to say that hasn’t already been said over and over again. I am sure you are feeling very empty inside right now wondering why, who, or did we do something wrong. Why. For some reason that hasn’t been exactly established yet, this actually happens quite often, and no reason or some complicated reason that doesn’t make sense and of no fault of anyones., who, my thoughts about that are different then others. death is a part of living but God does not take our babies that we have been given to experience the miracle of life. He is the source of life not death. absolutely not did you do anything wrong. the Bible says unforseen occurances befall us all. our love and prayers for you to have the courage and strength to deal with this blow and the loss of that precious little one. Take care of each other thru this and the love of friends and family to help carry your burden here. Carola Moline
Mike and Linda Niedge says
Nacona, Jan and family – We were so very sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful baby boy. May God bless you and keep you as you grieve.
Ally Capps and Tom Smith says
Nacona, Chris and family,
Our deepest sympathy for your resent loss of your perfect little Zachery.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,
Tom and Ally
David and Kathleen Corbin says
We are so heartbroken to hear about the loss of your loved one Zachary. May the Good Lord Bless you and your family in this time of sorrow. Wish there was something we could say or do to ease your pain. God Bless you and all your family.
David and Kathleen Corbin
Mary Utschig says
Dear Chris and Nacona,
Please accept my sympathies at the loss of your son. I will keep you in my prayers for consolation and recovery. You have a little boy in heaven watching over you.
Mary Utschig
Paul and Jodi Ridenhower says
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel! I pray that God will wrap his arms around you and your family and give you comfort.
Gregg and Vicki Glueckert says
Nacona, please know you and your family our in our thoughts and prayers. My heart is so sad for you Nacona and your sweet baby boy. I pray you find peace and comfort in the days to come.
Jeff, Angie, & Grayson Lawrence says
Chris, Nacona and Maggie,
We are grieving from afar and wishing we could be there with you during this time of sorrow. God couldn’t have chosen a better family for beautiful Zachary. He will be forever in our hearts and will watch over us from above. We love you and will be there for you in your times of need and will help you keep the memory of Zachary alive.
Mary Hellgren says
Chris, We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our prayers.
Marc and Vicki Leesburg says
Dearest Nacona, Chris and Maggie,
We were devastated to hear about your loss of Zachary! Please know you are in our hearts and prayers! May your new angel in heaven always be with you! Much love and hugs, we are here for you whatever and whenever you may need!
Love, V, M, W, and M
Tiffany, Stacey, Rylee, and Colt Ogren says
Nacona and Family,
Our hearts are aching for you right now. We are praying for you often throughout each day. It is so hard to understand why God allows such hard times in our lives. However, I know He will allow some sort of good to come from this. Nevertheless, please know that He knows how much you hurt and He loves you very much and will give you the strength to face each day. Zachary, though unborn, has been a beautiful part of your family already and will be greatly missed. The picture of Zach is so precious and tugs at our hearts. Again, please know that we are thinking of you and praying for you diligently.
We love you, the Ogren’s
Lorrie Ediger Knight says
Nacona and Family,
Our heart goes out to you and your family. Something so precious, only here for a short time. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
Megan Fudge Emmons says
Dear Lieb Family,
You are in my continued prayers. May God’s amazing grace comfort you.
Dade and Jaylene Allison says
Nacona, Chris, and Maggie……There are no words to help this. May the good Lord help you bear the unbearable. Love to you all.
Rick & Dee Abbott says
Dr. Lieb, Nacona & family:
When we returned home, we learned of your loss. You have our sincerest sympathies!
Cheyenne Glade Wilson says
Nacona and family,
It is with tears in my eyes that I write condolences to you. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your little boy was beautiful and precious. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May Gid ease your pain during this sorrowful time.
Jeannette Larsen says
I am so sorry for the loss of Maggie’s brother and your special son. God be with you.
Cinda Paynter says
GOD BLESS you all with thoughts and prayers.
Alex. Melissa and Maddox Lieb says
Chris, Nacona and Maggie.
I am so sorry for your loss. You have the most precious little girl that I couldnt imagine what pain you are going through. I really enoyed spending time with you this past week and cant wait to create future memories with you.
Alex, Melissa and Maddox